You have taken a huge step in the Kingdom by registering for the REACHstart Class. We truly believe that this is the greatest time in human history to be serving Jesus Christ in His Kingdom. However, make no mistake about it, the best days are still yet to come. We share your excitement to engage in REACHstart. 

Our enduring goal is to REACH, READY and RELEASE people into their purpose in God. REACHstart is designed specifically for you to start living your best life for Christ supported by a strong biblical foundation in a relationally driven environment. REACHstart will break down the Bible basics designed to get you started towards a successful journey of faith. 

Get ready! This will be a fun-filled six-week journey of spiritual growth. Together we will cover the following six topics:

1. Salvation

2. Jesus Christ

3. The Holy Spirit

4. The Church

5. The Bible

6. Growing Strong Faith 

Let’s get started on this journey together.