REACHgroups for women invites you to explore God's word with other like-minded women. In this group, we will study and grow in biblical knowledge, as well as foster healthy relationships encouraging one another in our kingdom purpose and walks with Jesus.
REACHgroups for men is focused on discipling men to full maturity in Christ while developing relationships and accountability amongst one another. Our aim is to learn from God, each other, and journey through life with one another.
(19 - 30 yrs) REACHgroups for Young Adults is designed to be a safe space for today's youth, tackling relevant issues, and teaching biblical principles in an environment free from judgment. Our desire is to develop and release the next generation of leaders.
Our REACHgroups for youth ages (13 -18) will facilitate and cultivate spiritual growth amongst the next generation of leaders through practical teaching. This will be an avenue for individuals to be Reached, Educated, and Connected by having wholehearted, faith-centred conversations and bible-based teaching.